Monday, May 22, 2023
Warmup (5 min): 1 rounds :40 work. 20 transition
Terminal Knee Extension (:20/side), Plank (contract quads), Glute Bridges (drive knees out)
Skill (10 min): Waiter’s Walks w/DB and KB
Strength (25 min): Skill (Root Feet), Shoulder Stability, Midline, Cardio
5-7 rounds
Fitness: Squat 5×5, Light DB Walk down/back, 15 glute bridges, 1-1:30 cardio
Performance: Squat 50-65% x 5, Light DB/KB Walk down/back, 12 crunches, 1-1:30 cardio
Sport: Squat 50-65% x 5, KB Walk down/back, 12 abmat situps, 1-1:30 cardio
Conditioning (20 min): “Dos Diablos”
3 rounds of 2:00 AMRAP, :30 gym plank, :30 gym rest
Fitness: 10 KB Swings, 10 Air Squats,10 flutter kicks/side
Performance: 12 KB Swings, 8 Goblet Squats, 60 single unders:
Sport: 5 Power Cleans (75-95/53-65), 4 Front Squats, 20 double unders
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Warmup (5 min): 1 round 10 empty bar hang cleans, 15 kb swings, 20 glute bridges
Skill (10 min): Waiter’s Walks w/DB and KB
Strength (25 min): Skill (Root Feet), Shoulder Stability, Midline, Cardio
5-7 rounds
Fitness: Squat/Hip Thrust 5×5, Light DB Walk down/back, 15 glute bridges, 1-1:30 cardio
Performance: Squat/Hip Thrust 50-65% x 5, Light DB/KB Walk down/back, 12 crunches, 1-1:30 cardio
Sport: Squat/Hip Thrust 50-65% x 5, KB Walk down/back, 12 abmat situps, 1-1:30 cardio
Conditioning (20 min): 12 min work accumulation
Fitness: 1:00 cardio, 15 air squats, 15 glute bridges, 15 kb swings
Performance: 100 single unders, 20 air squats, 15 ball slams
Sport: 40 double unders, 25 air squats, 15 burpees
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Warmup (5 min): IYT 1×15 w/light weight (2.5 or 5 lbs)
Strength (30 min): 6 rounds–Bench or Press
Bench or Press progression 5×5 or 50, 60, 70 % x 5, 80% x 4, 85 % x 3-4, 90% x 2-3
Fitness: Bench or Press, 10 Slams, Arms Only Broken Table 10/side, 1-1:15 easy cardio
Performance: Bench or Press, 15 Swings, Broken Table 10/side, 1-1:30 easy cardio
Sport: Bench or Press 12-15 OH Swings, Bar Hang :30, 1-1:30 easy cardio
Conditioning (25 min): Tabata THIS (And 150)
1) Five Rounds Alternating Tabata
Fitness: Swings, Pushups, Glute Bridges, One Arm DB Row
Performance: Swings, Pushups, Situps, One Arm DB Clean
Sport: OH Swings, Hand Release Pushups, Butterfly Situps, One Arm DB Snatch
2) With 8 minute cap, complete 150 reps total of:
Air squats, glute bridges, kb swings, pushups, pullups, ring rows (choose how many of each)
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Warmup (5 min): Quick Dynamic on Turf
Butt-kicks, High-knees, Zombie Walks (straight leg toe touches),Side Shuffle (down and back)
Over the fence, Under the fence (get low!), Walking Lunges
Strength (30 min): 6 rounds–Bench or Press
Bench or Press progression 5×5 or 50, 60, 70 % x 5, 80% x 4, 85 % x 3-4, 90% x 2-3
Fitness: Bench or Press, 10 Slams, Arms Only Broken Table 10/side, 1-1:15 easy cardio
Performance: Bench or Press, 15 Swings, Broken Table 10/side, 1-1:30 easy cardio
Sport: Bench or Press 12-15 OH Swings, Bar Hang :30, 1-1:30 easy cardio
Conditioning (25 min): 18 minute Rounds of
2 minute row/bike/skierg, 20 KB Swings, 15 pullups or ring rows
Prowler Push (140/90), 15 Broken Table/Side, 10 wallballs or ball slams
Friday, May 26, 2022
Warmup (5 min): Roxanne, Sally OR Simple Seven x 1 coach’s choice
Skill (10 min): Banded Deadlifts
Strength (25 min): Speed, Hollow Work, Hard Cardio, 5-6 rounds
Fitness: Deadlift 5×5, Stepups 5/side, Plank :30, :30 Row Sprint
Performance: Deadlift 40-60% x 3-5 then 10 box jumps, Hollow Hold :30, :30 bike sprint
Sport: Deadlift 40-60% x 3-5 then 10 box jumps, Hollow Rock :30, Hill Sprint
Conditioning (20 min): “AMRunning or Rowing HelenP” 12 min work
Fitness: 21 swings, 12 db rows, 1:30-:2:00 bike
Performance: 21 Swings, 12 ring rows, 500m row or skieg
Sport: 21 Swings, 12 pullups, 400m run
Saturday, May 27 2023
Conditioning (25 min): Tabatter UP!
1) 6 rounds, all rounds of movement done before moving to next
Fitness: Airdyne or Row, Glute Bridges. Ball Slams
Performance: Airdyne or Row, Single Leg Glute Bridges (alt leg each round), Ball Slams
Sport: Burpees, Situps, Ball Slams
2) 2 min rest and equip return/exchange
3) 3 rounds
1:00 jumprope practice or cardio1:00 plank (as much as you can out of the min), scale up w/10-25 lb plate on back