Mercy is For the Week

Sunday, January 31, 2016–8 AM Conditioning Class
Warmup (10 min): Calisthenic
Agility (10 min): Hand and Footwork
Circuit & Rollout (20 min): 4×10
KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
Goblet Squats
Conditioning (20 min): Single Annie
Situps/Single Unders: 50/100, 40/80, 30/60, 20/40, 10/20

Monday, February 1, 2016
Warmup & Mobility (15 min):
1) Squat Therapy 3×10
2) Couch Stretch 1-2 min/side
Deload/Circuit (45 min): Rounds of
Squat, 5 reps @50% TM
Glute Bridges & Band Pullaparts, 20 each
Fire Hydrants & Broken Tables, 10/side each
Bike or Row, 90-120 seconds
Ring Rows, KB Swings, Situps, 10 each
Pushups & Underhand Band Pullaparts, 7-12 each

Tuesday, February 2, 2016–Groundhog Day Conditioner (available during open gym)
3 min AMRAP
10 situps, 20 mountain climbers, 30 single unders
Rest 3 minutes
Then Do it Again!  (It’s Groundhog Day, after all)

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Warmup/Mobility (15 minutes): 3 rounds of
3-5 arm bars, 10 db lateral raises/side, 10 plate raises, 20 band pullaparts
Deload/Circuit (45 minutes): Rounds of
Bench or Press, 5 reps @50% TM
One-Arm KB Farmer’s Carry down & back
Jumprope & Plank 45-60 seconds each
One-Arm ring rows & Broken Tables, 7/side each movement
DB Cleans & DB Rows, both arms 10 each
Max Air Squats 20 seconds, Max Situps 20 seconds
Bike or Row, 60-75 seconds

Friday, February 5, 2016
Warmup/Stability (15 minutes): 3 rounds of
10 ring rows, 30 second plank, 15 broken table/side, 30 second glute bridge hold
Deload/Circuit (45 minutes): Rounds of
Deadlift, 5 reps @50% TM
Walking Lunges, 5 steps/side
Russian Twists, Ring Rows, KB Goodmornings, 10 each
Over The Fence, Under The Fence (one down, one back)
Jumping Jacks, Jumprope, 30 reps each
Bike or Row 120-150 seconds
KB Swings, 20 reps

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