My Dear We’re Still Goodbyeing

How about a holiday blast coming right at you…

Sunday, December 20, 2015–8 AM Conditioning Class
Simple Seven x 2
Conditioning 1: 8×8
Pick a light weight push (bench, overhead, pushups) and a light weight pull (bb rows, ring rows, trap bar dead) and do 8 sets of 8 of each with very little rest
Conditioning 2: 3x500m row
Row three 500m at 8 or 9 exertion (out of 10); keep strokes/min under 30–rest 4:00 between rows
Conditioning 3: Alternating Tabata (6 minutes)
KB swings

Monday, December 21, 2015
Mobility/Warmup (15 min): 5 x 10 (or as much as you can in 10 min)
Foam Roll Upper Back, 10 passes
Blackburn Y’s
Split Squats (Standard or Foot Elevated)
Glute Bridges
Fire Hydrants
Strength 1 (15 min): Squat
2-3 warmup sets then 3 sets of 5 at 75-80% training max
Strength 2 (15 min): Bench or Press
2-3 warmup sets then 3 sets of 5 at 75-80% training max
Conditioning (15 min): 3 rounds of
7 power cleans
Row hard 1:00 or Bike w/resistance turned up 1:00
Rest 2-3 min btw sets

Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Warmup (15 min): 3 rounds of
With partner, accumulate 50 air squats and kb swings total–break up however you like
Deadbugs, 10/side
Glute Bridges, 15 reps
Strength (25 min): Deadlift
2-3 warmup sets then 3 sets of 5 at 65-70% training max
Conditioning (20 min): 21-15-9
Squat Thrusts (Vid here:
KB Swings
DB Rows

No 9:30 or 6 PM December 24, closed Dec 25 & Dec 26

Sunday, December 27, 2015–8 AM Conditioning Class
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic Warmup/Line Warmup
Workout (30 min): 12 Days of Woodshed
Cooldown (20 min): Accumulate 1000m row, 800m run, or 4 prowler pushes if weather cooperates
Roll out lower body

Monday, December 28, 2015
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic/Line Warmup
Mobility (10 min):
1) Couch Stretch 1-2 min/side
2) Squat Stretch 1-2 min total
Strength (25 min): Squat
2-3 warmup sets then 3 sets of 5 at 75-80% training max
Between Sets:
1) Plank 30 seconds
2) One-Arm Farmer’s Carry Down & Back Mats
3) Broken Table 10/side
Conditioning (15 min): 10 min AMRAP
5 rounds of 2 goblet squats, 2 pushups
5 rounds of 3 kb swings, 3 situps
5 ball or wreck bag slams (60/40 balls, 40/25 wreck bags)
5 walking lunges/side

Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Warmup (10 min): BB Complex, empty bar 3×10
Deadlift, BB Row, Hang Clean
Mobility (5 min): Piriformis Stretch 2-3x 30 sec/side
Strength 1 (15 min): Deadlift
2-3 warmups sets, then 3 sets of 5 at 60-65% training max
Strength 2 (15 min): Bench or Press
2-3 warmup sets then 3 sets of 5 at 75-80% training max
Conditioning (15 min): “2015”
20 DB Man-Makers (Video here:
15 burpees w/lateral hop over yoga block
Row 2015 meters

No 6 PM Dec 31, Closed Jan 1

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