
Nothing Changes On New Year’s Day

Sunday, January 3, 2016–8 AM Conditioning Class
Warmup (15 min)
: Simple Seven then
Work in 3 or 4 sets to 8 rep barbell complex
Dead, Row, Clean, Push Press
Conditioning (35 min): “Superjoint Candice”
30 min AMRAP of
5 pushups, 10 ring or rope rows, 15 air squats
20 seconds jumprope, 20 seconds row OR box jumps
15 glute bridges, 10 mountain climbers (1 rep/leg), 5 situps
Roll Out Lower Body
Accumulate 2 min plank

Monday, January 4, 2016
Warmup (10 min): Simple Seven x 2-3
Skill/Mobility (10 min): Squat Therapy
Strength (20 min): Squat
Empty, 50, 60, 70% x 8, 50% x 8-12
*Maintenance 5×5 @60-65%
Conditioning (20 min): 3 rounds, individually timed
10 power cleans (50-60% bodyweight)
Row 200m
Try to rest 1.5 to 2x as long as you worked, score is fastest round

Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Warmup & Mobility (20 min):
1. Shoulder Shocker, 3 x 10
2. 3 rounds of 10 Band Overhead Squats, 15 band pullaparts, 15 upper back passes on roller
Strength (20 min): Bench or Press
Empty, 50, 60, 70% x 8, 50% x 8-12
*Maintenance 5×5 @60-65%
Conditioning (20 min):
1. 21-15-9 not for time
KB Swings
Russian Twists
DB Rows
2. 4 rounds tabata air squats–perfect form
*Score is total squats

Friday, January 8, 2016
Warmup & Mobility (20 min):
1) 3-4 Rounds
Slingshot Glute Bridges, 10 reps
Fire Hydrants, 10 reps/side
Broken Tables, 10 reps/side
5 Goblet Squats
10 KB Swings
2) Bracing drills w/KB goodmornings
Strength (20 min): Deadlift
Empty, 50, 60, 70% x 8, 50% x 8-12
*Maintenance 5×5 @60-65%
Conditioning (20 min): 10 min EMOM
5 db snatches/arm (15-20% bw/arm)
7 situps
9 one-arm kb swings

Saturday, January 9, 2015–Recovery/Conditioning
1) 3-4 sets of 10 light weight reps on your alternate press
2) 25 minute rounds of
1-2 min row
One length flat-back bear crawl
10 db woodchoppers
:30 plank
:30 single unders
1-2 min easy bike

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