Like many of you I’m sure, I sometimes experience mornings as a blur. Several things to get done, multiple voices clamoring for attention, and not quite enough time. It’s not unusual for me to lose track of where I got started and feel a bit out of sorts.
Sometimes a different vantage, maybe even an outside perspective, can help with clarity and focus.
This morning in line at the bank, I had a great reminder of this concept. A gentleman and I were making small talk; after a bit of that he asked “how old is your dog?”
I was taken aback–Did I know this guy? How did he know I have a dog? Is this the middle of a Lifetime movie?
He laughed. “You’ve got all these white hairs on your sweatshirt, and you don’t really look like a cat person.”
Funny thing is, I’d forgotten that I’d even played with the dog this morning. Took another pair of eyes to remind me of ten great minutes I’d spent with the pup not that long ago.
Sometimes we need another person to remind us what we’re looking at. At Woodshed, this is what we do: we help you figure it out. The process starts with a free No-Sweat Intro with one of our professional coaches. We’d love to meet you!