The World’s Strongest, Summeriest Iced Coffee

When it comes to recovery between your workouts, maintenance of lean body mass, and general satiety and nutritional support for an active lifestyle, protein is king.

And when it comes to starting your mornings right, many of us feel the same way about coffee.

One of our favorite ways to marry these two imperatives is a little concoction we’ll call the World’s Strongest Summeriest Iced Coffee. It’s pretty simple and it tastes amazing. Here’s how we put it together:

You’ll need some Coconut protein powder to start. Our favorite version comes from the folks at Stronger Faster Healthier (SFH), but TrueNutrition and other bulk retailers offer decent takes on this summer flavor as well.

Next, some cold coffee. Cold brew, the remnants of yesterday’s pot left in the fridge, or for best results, an iced from your favorite local spot. (Don’t empty the ice into the mix unless you want a coffee slushie!)

Finally, a blender.

Dump the coffee into your blender, about 8-16 ounces to start. Next, a half-scoop to a full scoop of your coconut protein. You *can* add a shake or two of cinnamon.

Blend it up.

Drink it up. You can pour over some ice if you like or drink it straight. The magic is the coconut and cold coffee for a great start to your day. We love it!

But we’re also sure that we’re not the only ones out there with some creative protein/coffee mixes. If you’ve got one, we’d love to hear it! Drop us a line or hit us with it in the comments below. Happy summer caffeinating!

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