
Walking On a Thin Line

Sunday, December 6, 2015–8 AM Conditioning Class
Group Warmup
WOD: “Chelsea Hotel” 30 min on the min
4 burpees
5 air squats (odd minutes), 5 situps (even minutes)
6 kb swings
7 single unders
Cooldown: 5-10 minutes rolling out upper back, lower body

Monday, December 7, 2015
Warmup (10 min): Simple Seven x 1, Go over spotting
Strength (30 minutes): Squat
40, 55, 65, 75 % x 5, 85 % x 3, 95% x 1+
Between Sets: Deadbugs x 10, Plank 10-15 seconds (practice ab clampdown)
Mobility/Spinal Deload (5 min): Broken Tables, 50/side total; Hang from Pullup bar
Conditioning (15 min): “Single Annie”
Abmat Situps
Single Unders

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Warmup (15 min): Line/Dynamic & Go over spotting
Strength (25 min): Bench or Press
40, 55, 65, 75 % x 5, 85 % x 3, 95% x 1+
Between Sets: Cuban Presses (pvc) x 10, Lateral Raises (2.5 or 5 lb plates x 5/side)
Conditioning (15 min): 7 min AMRAP
10 kb reverse lunges (5/side)–sub glute bridges if need be
15 air squats
25 kb swings
50 single unders

Friday, December 11, 2015
Warmup (10 min): Joint/Neural
Strength (30 min): Deadlift
40, 55, 65, 75 % x 5, 85 % x 3, 95% x 1+
Between Sets: 10-15 glute bridges, 5-8 ring rows
Conditioning (10 min): 21-15-9
Db thrusters
Pushup to abmat
KB Swings
Mobility: T-Spine/Ab Mat Breathing

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