
Week of April 16-22

Monday, April 16, 2018
*Open gyms 6-9 AM, 11:30 AM-1 PM, 5-7 PM
Suggested Warmup: 15 minutes easy rounds of
5 goblet squats, 8 ring rows, 10 glute bridges, :30-:60 row or bike
Marathon Conditioning: 26.2 minutes AKA 26:12 rounds of
10 DB Romanian Deadlifts
:30 battle ropes
5 overhead or bench press, 30-40%
:45 KB swings
10 broken table/side
:60 row
5 heavy DB snatch or clean/side (35-45/20-30)
Cooldown: 3 min squat stretch total

Tuesday, April 17, 2018–6:30 ARC and Open Gyms

Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Warmup (10 min): 21-15-9
PVC Overhead Squat, Fire Hydrants/side, Light plates (5/2.5) Lateral Raises
Max Effort (20 min): Work to heavy double on Press/Push/Bench Press
*Level 1 5×5 press/push/bench
Repetition Strength/Conditioning (30 min): 3-5 Rounds of
:30 Max Rep Front or Safety Squats (should be somewhere around 50-60% of your heavy double)
*Level 1 5×5 squat
7-12 double DB or KB Rows (35-53/20-44)
Run or Row 400m
12-15 one-arm KB swings/side

Thursday, April 19, 2018–6:30 ARC and Open Gyms

Friday, April 20, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic Work
Strength (30 min): Band-Resisted Deadlifts
Sets of 5 with 50-60% max plus Red (30 lbs) or Blue (50 lbs) resistance band
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets: 
1) :30-:60 plank or side plank
2) 12-18 weighted glute bridge (25/10)
3) 7-12 air squats
Conditioning (20 min): “James Paul”
3 rounds of
15 Burpees *Scale up Burpees over Yoga Block, Level 1 Humane Burpees
30 DB Snatch (35/20) *Scale up 30 DB Snatch (45/30) Level 1 DB Cleans
100 Single Unders *Scale up 35 Double Unders Level 1 50 step-ups

Sunday, April 22, 2018
7 AM Mindful Lifting, Sleater-Kinney The Woods
8 AM CrossFit Class,
800m run
10 rounds 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats
800m run

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