Monday, April 23, 2018
Warmup (5 min): Short Dynamic W/U
Skill Work (15 min): Power Clean from High Hang
*3-5 min demo/PVC, 10-15 minutes practice in doubles
*Pair with sets of Bulgarian or Split Squat (5-8/side)–difference btw 2 is Bulgarian has rear foot elevated
Strength (20 min): Front Squat/Safety Bar Squat
Work to a moderately heavy triple
*Level 1 5×5
Note: we are pre-fatiguing your stabilizer muscles with the unilateral work; you should expect the weight to be not as heavy as it would be if you were doing the movement fresh
Conditioning (20 min): 3 rounds
400m run or 500m row *L1 2 min bike
35 KB Swings *L1 20 swings
7-15 Ring Rows *Scale up Pullups
Tuesday, April 24, 2018–6:30 ARC and Open Gyms
Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Warmup (10 min): 5 rounds
10-15 underhand band pullaparts
5-10 PVC Overhead Squats
Strength (20 min): Press/Push/Bench Press
3-4 Rounds of
1) :20 Max Reps @50% men/60% women *L1 5×5
2) Rest 1-2 min
3) 4-1 Ladder KB Swings/Goblet Squats
Conditioning (30 min):
A) 4 rounds of
Deadlift, 50-60% bodyweight, 8 reps
*Take 2-3 seconds on the eccentric/lowering phase of the rep
10-15 tuck jumps *L1 10 stepups/side
B) 12-9-6
Tempo Goblet Squats (2 seconds down, 1 second pause) *Level 1 Air Squats
Pushups *Scale up Elevated Feet
Thursday, April 26, 2018–6:30 ARC and Open Gyms
Friday, April 27, 2018
Warmup (5 min): Coach’s Choice, outdoor if poss
Speed Strength (25 min): 7-10 rounds of
Deadlift OR Squat 40-50%, 2-3 reps *Level 1 Deadlift 5×5
Banded Pallof Press (Red/Blue Band), 5-8 reps/side
Assistance Circuit (10 min): 2-3 rounds of
Band Pullthroughs 12-15 reps *Level 1 KB Goodmornings, 8-12 reps
Deadbugs 5-8/side
Conditioning (15 min): EMOM 8 min
:00s DB Press or Floor Press, 5-8 reps
:30s 7-12 Goblet Squats *Level 1 5-8 air squats
Saturday, April 28, 2018–7 to 9 AM Open Gym
Sunday, April 29, 2018
7 AM Mindful Lifting, Sonny Rollins The Bridge (story here)
8 AM CrossFit Class
A) My Favorite 8×8 Push N’ Pull
B) 10-1 Ladder
Barbell Squat (Front, Back, or Overhead)
AbMat Situps