Week of April 24-30

Sunday, April 24
7 AM Mindful Lifting: Soundtrack is Prince, Purple Rain
8 AM Conditioning Class: Extended Warmup, Clean drills, Push Press drills, “Grace”

Monday, April 25
Warmup (20 min): 
1) Line warmup (5 min)
2) Wall squats and bar squats, 3 sets of 5 each (5 min)
3) Spotting on squats–chalk talk (5-10 min)
Strength (30 min): Work to max on squat
Suggested %s, 50, 60% x 5, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 90% x 1 and up in small increments from there
**No between set work. Focus on squat, spot, and rest
Conditioning (10 min): Tabata Total
8 rounds of alternating tabata situps, kb swings
*Score is total reps

Wednesday, April 27
Warmup (20 min):
1) DeFranco shoulder circuit 3×10
2) 2×15 squat, kb swing, situps
3) Spotting on bench–chalk talk (5-10 min)
Strength (30 min): Work to max on bench or press
Suggested %s, 50, 60% x 5, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 90% x 1 and up in small increments from there
**No between set work. Focus on bench or press, spot, and rest
Conditioning (10 min): 21-15-9
DB Thrusters (Health: goblet squats)
KB Swings (Health: KB goodmornings)

Friday, April 29
Warmup (15 min): 5 rounds of
10 kb swings, :30 plank, 10 stepups or 5 box jumps
Strength (35 min): Work to max on deadlift
Suggested %s, 50, 60% x 5, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 90% x 1 and up in small increments from there
**No between set work. Focus on deadlift, and rest
Conditioning (10 min): 5-8 sprints (run in lot or row 50m)

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