Sunday, August 4, 2018
7 AM Mindful Lifting, Massive Attack, Mezzanine
8 AM Conditioning Class
Monday, August 5, 2018
Warmup (10 min): 1) 2-3 min soft tissue work–roll out glutes, hamstring, quads
2) 3 rounds of 5 prying goblet squats (5-10 sec), 10 fire hydrant/side
Strength (30 min): Squat
2-3 warmup sets of 5 then
A1. Squat (50, 60, 70, 75% x 5, 80% x 3-5) *Level 1 5×5
A2. 10 Sphinx Slides/side (vid here)
A3. 10-20 KB Swings
Conditioning (20 min): Focus–Athletic
With 15 min cap, 3-4 rounds of
400m run OR 250m row & 2-5 step-ups/side
7-10 Double KB or DB Romanian Deadlifts (vid here)
:60 steady jumprope OR :60 airdyne
7-15 bear hug squats (Med ball, sandbag, brute bag)
Tuesday, August 6, 2018–6:30, 9:30, 12, 5:30 Open Gyms
Wednesday, August 7, 2018
Warmup (10 min): 3-4 rounds of
1) Band dislocates (orange, purple), 7-10 reps
2) Underhand band pullaparts (red, blue) 10-15 reps
Strength (30 min): Press/Push/Bench–Dumbbell Day!
A1. DB Press/Push/Bench, sets of 5-8 reps (Level 1 5×5)
A2. 10-20 second spider crawls (small band)
B1. 7-15 one-arm KB rows/side
B2. 10 goblet squats
Conditioning (15 min): Focus–Athletic
EMOM 8 min
:00s 7 kb swings, 3-7 pushups, 3 air or goblet squats
:30s 2-3 deadlifts (135/96/65) *Rx Plus 2-3 Power Cleans (135/95/65)
Cashout (5 min): Accumulate 2-3 min plank
Thursday, August 8, 2018–6:30, 9:30, 12, 5:30 Open Gyms
Friday, August 9, 2018
Quick Warmup (5 min): Dynamic or Coach’s Choice
Extended Warmup/Mini WOD (10 min): 2-3 rounds
5-8 light ball slams, 10 box jumps OR step-ups, :60 row, bike, or 200m run
Strength Circuit (25 min): 5 rounds
A1. Deadlift, 50-60% x 5 (Level 1 5×5)
A2. Half-Kneeling DB Press, 3-5/side (vid here)
A3. 10-20 air squats
Conditioning (20 min): Focus–Benchmark
“Newly Single Annie”
Single Unders/Situps 150/50, 120/40, 90/30, 60/20, 30/10
*Scale Up “Annie” Double Unders/Situps 50/50, 40/40…
*Level 1 5 rounds 30-50 single unders, :20-:30 plank
*Standards Situps–knees butterflied, heels together, touch toes at top