Week of July 1-7

Sunday, July 1, 2018
7 AM Mindful Lifting, STP, Tiny Music…Songs From the Vatican Gift Shop
8 AM CF Class

Monday, July 2, 2018
Warmup (15 min): 10 minute rounds of
5-8 cossack (use light plate for balance) or goblet squats, then :30 row or bike
:20-:40 bar hang, then 7-12 shoulder taps/side
10-15 band pullaparts (red or blue), then 3-6 box jumps
Strength Circuit (30 min): 5-7 rounds of
Squat 50-60% for 3 reps, 2 second pause each *Level 1 5×5
6-10 DB Press or DB Bench Press
3-5 Med Ball Up and Over (40/20)
10-15 Lateral Raises (10/5)
:30 Kb Swings (One or Two handed), then :30 plank or burpees
Conditioning (15 min): 3 rounds of
10 Deadlifts (50% max–Level 1 use 70-80% current work weight)
:30 Mountain Climbers
1 sprint in parking lot OR :15 hard bike or row

Tuesday, July 3–6:30 Girls & Heroes, Open Gyms

Wednesday, July 4–no classes
9 AM Shed Summer Slam

Thursday, July 5–6:30 ARC, Open Gyms

Friday, July 6, 2018–Regular Classes and 10:30 Girls & Heroes
Warmup (10 min): Light Weight BB Complexes
Deadlift/Row/Hang Power Clean/Press/Front or Back Squat
Strength/Endurance (35 min): Rounds of
Barbell Complex, 8-12 reps (95/65)
Run 400m or Row 500m
*Level 1 Deadlift 5×5, do remaining movements of complex w/DBs
Conditioning (10 min): EMOM 6
:00s 10-20 KB swings
:30s 10-20 situps *Level 1 plank :20

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