Week of March 27-April 1

Monday, March 27, 2017
Warmup (10 min): 3×5 squat therapy–goblet, bar, pole, wall
Skill/Practice (10 min): Spotting
Max Effort/Benchmark (40 min): Squat for 1 rep max
Start with 50×5, 60×4, 70×3, 80×2, 90×1
and then go up in increments as advised by coach
*Level 1 5×5 with one movement from simple 7–watch the squats and spots and ask questions!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Warmup (10 min): Shoulder Shocker, 3×10
Skills Test (15 min): Pullups–one set maxes
1) Max strict pullups
2) Max kipping pullups
When your feet touch the ground, the set is over
Speed Strength (25 min): Rounds of
Bench/Push/Press, 2-3 reps at 50-60%…move the weight fast!
Ring Rows, 7-12 reps
Airdyne or Row :30 sprints
Broken Table 15/side
Rest 1-2 minutes
Conditioning (10 min): Alternating Tabata, 8 rounds of
Squat 20 sec, rest 10 sec
KB swing 20 sec, rest 10 sec

Friday, March 31, 2017
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic w.u
Skill Work (15 min): Work on
1) DB Snatches/DB Cleans
2) Burpees–smooth transitions and clean shoulders
3) Jumprope
Conditioning (30 min) Benchmark in 2 heats–James Paul
3 rounds for time of
15 burpees
30 db snatch (35/20)
100 single unders
*Level 1: db cleans and humane burpees
*Level 2 reps as rx’d
*Rx: 35/20, burpees with clap overhead at full extension

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