Sunday, May 22, 2016
7 AM Mindful Lifting, Velvet Underground White Light/White Heat
8 AM Conditioning, Viking Warmup, Half-Murph (w/ring row subs)
Monday, May 23, 2016
Warmup and Strength (30 min):
1) 2 rounds of 5 wall squats and 10 fire hydrants/side
*Folks who need work to get up to 50% (i.e., 50% feels more like work than warmup), do sets of 5 to get there instead
2) Squat 50, 60, 70, 80% x 5, 60-65% for 4 sets of 5
Trilogy Work: 100 reps, watch time
Conditioning (30 min): 3-5 rounds of
400m run (Health: 500m row or 2 min bike)
15 kb swings
15 situps
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Warmup (10 min): 3×10 y handcuffs, face pulls, pullaparts
Strength (30 min):
Bench or Press, 50, 60, 70, 80% x 5, 60-65% for 4 sets of 5
**Push Press, 50, 60, 70% x 5, 80% for 5 sets of 3
**Push Press assistance work, 8-12 total “dips” (of dip and drive) with 105-110% push press max
Trilogy Work: 100 reps, watch time
Conditioning (20 min): 12 min EMOM
7-12 goblet squats
3-5 mountain climber steps (controlled plank, controlled step)
Optional Finisher: One Minute Max Situps
Friday, May 27, 2016
Warmup (15 min): 3×15 broken table/side, fire hydrants/side, deadbugs/side
Strength (40 min): Deadlift
1) 10 minutes to do 30, 40, 50-55% x 5
2) 20 minutes on the minute, do a single at 60-65% max (note this number!)
Conditioning Challenge (5 min): 3 minute AMRAP
20 air squats, 20 single unders
*Score is total reps