Sunday, October 22, 2017
7 AM Mindful Lifting, Keith Hudson, Pick a Dub
8 AM Mind Eraser Conditioning
Monday, October 23, 2017
Warmup (5 min): PVC Rosie–video here
Skill Work (15 min): High Hang Power Clean–video here
Max Effort/Rep Strength (25 min): Squat
Warmup: Empty/Light Bar, 50, 60% x 5
Max Effort: Brute Ball/Sandbag/Slam Ball squats max set 1 min
Rest 3 min
Max Effort: Brute Ball/Sandbag/Slam Ball squats max set 30 seconds
Score is total reps * weight used
*Level 1 5×5 squats
Finisher/Single-Joint and GPP (15 min): Rounds of
Split Stance One-Arm KB or DB Press, 5-8/side
Sled Drag or Prowler Walk (90/50), One Length
KB Swings @7 RPE, :30-:45
Tuesday, October 24, 2017–6:30 ARC & Open Gym
(3 rds): Legs/Planks/Bike/Battle Ropes/Hell/Ball Slams/Abs/Rower/Glutes/Jump Rope
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Warmup (15 min): Fake Gone Bad
5 rounds of :15 work/:15 transition
Pushing Movement: Pushups
Pulling Movement: Ring Rows *Scale Up Deadhang Pullups
Squatting Movement: Goblet Squats
Hinging Movement: KB Swings
Strength/Max Effort Press (30 min): Bench/Press/Push Press
Warmup Sets: 50, 65, 75% x 5
Work: 20 reps at 85-90% in as few a # of sets as you can
Backoff: Take 20% off work weight and do AMRAP set after 3 min rest
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets: Light Cardio
Conditioning (15 min): AMRAP 8 min
20 overhead lunges (45/25) *Level 1 10 unweighted lunges
20 band pullaparts
20 situps *Level 1 :30 plank *Scale up situps w/plate overhead
20 band pullaparts
Thursday, October 26, 2017–6:30 ARC and Open Gym
Bear Crawl/Row-1:45/Deadbugs/Row-1:45/Side Planks/Battle Ropes/Squat w/kick/Crunches/Jump Rope-1:45/Broad Jumps/Jump Rope-1:45/Plank/Step Ups/Mountain Climbers/Knee to Elbow Crunches/Bike1:45/Glute Bridges/Bike-1:45/Sit-ups/Farmer Carry/V-ups/Bear Crawl
Friday, October 27, 2017
Warmup (10 min): Coach’s Choice
Dynamic Work/Strongman Circuit (35 min): Rounds of
Deadlift w/band tension 2-3 reps @50-60% *Level 1 do your Fahve by Fahve
Sandbag carry down & back mat (120 lb/80 lb/65 lb)
Slam ball cleans, 5-8 reps (60/40/20)
Empty Safety Bar Goodmornings (80/45), 5-8 reps
Medball Stepups (20/14 lbs to 24/20″), 5-8 reps/side
Conditioning (15 min): “Tim”
15 DB squats (40/25) *Rx Plus sub Double KB Squats (53/25) *Level 1 sub goblet squats
100 single unders *Rx Plus sub 35 double unders for singles
12 DB squats
100 single unders
9 DB squats
100 single unders
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Strength: 10 rounds of 2-3 of your presses of choice @50-60%
Conditioning: Accumulate 20 min aerobic work (airdyne, row, jog)