Sunday, April 7, 2019
7 AM Mindful Lifting, Sonic Youth, Daydream Nation
8 AM Conditioning
Row 5×5 then
WOD: “Chelsea Hotel” 30 min on the min
4 burpees
5 air squats (odd minutes), 5 situps (even minutes)
6 kb swings
7 single unders
Monday, April 8, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Chalk then 3×12
Light Barbell Goodmornings, Light One-Arm DB Row (12/side), KB Swings
Speed/Power (30 min): 6-8 rounds of
Squat 50-60% x 2-3 reps *Level 1 5×5
Trap Bar DL 115-135/65-85 x 2-3 reps
Prowler Sprint (140/90)
5-8 Seated Filly Press (vid here) *play with weight but we want light, speedy, and tall chest
Conditioning (20 min): 3-4 rounds, not for time
25 Air Squats *Level 1 sub 15 squats, 10 situps
400m run *Level 1 sub 200m run, 250m row, or 2 min bike
7-15 Pushups *Level 1 sub 7 pushups, 7 ring rows
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Olympic (20 min): Clean, Work to set of moderate double
Ball Slams, sets of 8-15
Set of Chins/Pullups (deadhang) or 4-7 ring rows
7 minutes, Rounds of:
Odd Object Clean to Shoulder (DBs, KBs)–use both hands, 10-20 reps
Flutter Kicks, 10-20 reps
Pushups, 5-10 reps
Wednesday, April 10, 2019
Warmup (10 min):
1) Shoulder Shocker 1 round
2) 15 Ring Rows, 30 Band Pullaparts
Strength Endurance (30 min):
1) Chalk Talk 5 min on
2) Magic 8×8–8 rounds of
Pressing Movement, 8 reps
(Choose from: DB Press, DB Bench, KB Press, Pushups, Wallballs)
Pulling Movement, 8 reps
(Choose from: Pullups, Ring Rows, DB/KB Rows, DB Snatch or DB Clean (4/side each round)
*Level 1 use time to do 5×5 Press Work with 7-10 ring rows and 7-10 ball slams btw sets
3) Extra time: 200m Med Ball/Slam Ball Runs
Partner Work (20 min): Pick a partner or two and for 12-15 minutes alternate
One partner round of easy work (Choices: 400m jog, 45-75 seconds jumprope, easy pace 20-35 kb swings) with
One partner round of hard work (Choices: 15-20 db thrusters, 10-15 burpees, 7-12 heavy ball slams–60 or 40)
*For hard work Level 1 sub 8-12 goblet squats for db thrusters and 8-12 full ROM pushups for burpees)
Thursday, April 11, 2019
5 rounds of
5 min cardio (Row, bike, 800 m run)
1 min static abs (Plank, Overhead Hold, Broken Tables, Deadbugs)
Friday, April 12, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Simple Seven x 1 but do 20 reps of 2 of the movements
Demo/Practice (10 min): Band-Resisted DL
Speed Strength (20 min): Rounds of
Band Resisted Deadlift, 3-5 reps using 40-50% max plus light band
15-25 kb swings
Row or Bike Sprint :20-:30
*Level 1 5×5
Conditioning (20 min): “Paul James”
300 single unders *RX Plus 100 doubles
60 db snatches (30/side) at 35/20 *Rx Plus 40/25
50 burpees
*Level 1 150 single unders or jumping jacks, DB cleans, 25 humane burpees
Cooldown (Time permit):
2-3 min couch stretch/side