Monday, August 26, 2019
Warmup (5 min): Dynamic, Lower Body Focus
Speed/Strength (20 min): 5-7 rounds of
Squat 30-40%, 2-3 reps *Level 1 first set warmup weight then 5 reps at working weight
5-8 Box Jumps w/stepdown
Accessory (15 min): Split & Bulgarian Split Squat
Demo then 3 rounds of
a) 6-8 Split or Bulgarian/Side (unweighted)
b) 20-30 Band Pullthroughs
Conditioning (20 min): 3 rounds of
Minute 1: 15 KB Swings
Minute 2: :20 hard row or airdyne
Minute 3: :20 max ball slams
Minute 4: Fitness :30 plank Performance & Sport 12 AbMat Situps
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Warmup (15 min): Rounds of
15 KB Swings (easy weight, snap hips)
20 Band Pullaparts
20 Slingshot Shuffles (10/side)
:30 fire hydrants
Sleds and Deads (25 min):
Demo KB Sumo Deadlift then rounds of
a) 3-5 KB Sumo Deads, LIGHT weight
b) Prowler Push/Sled Drag, moderate weight, :45-:60
c) Row or Bike 1:15, recovery pace
Conditioning (20 min): 4 rounds
:30 jumprope practice (shoot for 30-40 singles or 10-15 doubles)
Offset KB Carries down & back turf or mat
10 Russian Twists/Side (light medball fine)
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Warmup (10 min): 2-3 rounds
a) Shoulder Shocker, each ex for 10 reps
b) 10 broken table/side
Strength (20 min): Press/Push/Bench, 6 rounds
a) 50% x 4, 60 % x 3, 75% x 2, 80-90% x 1-1 x 3 (return bar to rack after rep, wait 10 sec, do rep again)
*Level 1 first set is warmup weight, last 5 sets are 5 reps at working weight
b) One-arm waiter’s walk down & back turf or mat
*Use 1/4 to 1/2 your KB swing weight (w/DB or KB) as a guide, keep shoulder packed and ribs down
Conditioner (30 min): “The Last Rodeo”
1) Demo Cleans & Pushups 3-5 min
2) Practice Cleans & Pushups (find right weight and setup) 5-7 min then
2-3 rounds (cap 12 min)
Fitness: 500m row or 2 min bike, 4-7 DB Hang Power Cleans, 7-10 Perfect Pushups
Performance: 400m run, 4-7 Barbell Power Cleans (Use Grace Weight), 12 Perfect Pushups *Shoulder Sub Ring Rows
Sport: 400m run, 15 Kipping Pullups, 15 Perfect Pushups
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Coach’s Choice
Skill/Mobility (15 min):
Demo Yates Row then 3 rounds
a) 8-12 Yates Rows
b) :20-:40 bar hang
c) 10 3 second broken table/side
Partner Conditioning (35 min): Rounds of
1) 3 min cardio done together (Row, Bike, Jog 400m)
2) Partner Double KB Carry Length Turf or Mat while Partner Planks
3) 3 min ball slams (one partner works while other rests, accum 3 min total)
4) Partner One-Arm Farmer’s Carry 200m, light db or kb
Friday, August 30, 2019
Warmup (15 min): Mini Deadlift EMOM
Setup bars with easy warmup weight then EMOM for 7 min
a) Deadlift one rep
b) :10-:20 side plank/reg plank
Skill/Strength (20 min): 5 rounds
a) Deadlift, 50-60% for 3-5 reps *Level 1 5 reps at working weight
b) 60-90 sec light row or bike, watch clock
Conditioner (25 min): Newly Single Annie/Annie
Fitness: 5-7 rounds 30-50 single unders, :20-:30 plank (Scale up 10-15 abmat situps every other round)
Performance: “Newly Single Annie” Single Unders/Situps 150/50, 120/40, 90/30, 60/20, 30/10
Sport: “Annie” Double Unders/Situps 50/50, 40/40…
*Standards Situps–knees butterflied, heels together, touch toes at top