Week of January 13-19

Sunday, January 13, 2019
7 AM Mindful Lifting, ELO Out of the Blue
8 AM
Bromfield Swim Strength/Mind Eraser Conditioning

Monday, January 14, 2019
Warmup (10 min): 3-4 rounds of
Side Shuffle Length Turf (Turn Halfway Through), 8-15 Ball Slams, :30 row or bike
Strength (30 min): Squat
50, 65, 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets:
1) :30 Tire Flips w/partner or two (Turf) *Scale Option 7-10 KB Deadlifts
2) :30-40 row or bike
3) 3-6 Single Leg Glute Bridges/side
Conditioning (20 min): 10 min AMRAP
7 Pushups *Scale Up 7 Burpees *Level 1 7 Ring Rows every other round
10 Situps *Level 1 :20 plank every other round
15 Air Squats *Level 1 15 KB Swings every other round
30 Single Unders *Scale Up 10 Doubles

Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Coach’s Choice, Shoulder
Strength (30 min): Bench/Press/Push Press
50, 65, 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets:
1) Wallballs, :30-:40
2) :30 Samson or Couch Stretch/Side
3) 1 min Jumprope or Airdyne/Row
Conditioning (20 min): 3 rounds of
10 DB Snatch/Side (35-45/20-30) *Level 1 7 DB Cleans/Side
25 Goblet Squats *Level 1 12-15 Goblets
35 KB Swings *Level 1 20-25 KB Swings
Cooldown: Light Prowlers and Sleds

Friday, January 18, 2019
Warmup (10 min): 30-20-10
PVC Press, PVC Deadlift, PVC Overhead Squat or Front Squat
Strength (30 min): Deadlift
50, 65, 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95% x 1+
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets:
1) Dynamic Movement Turf (High Knees, Butt Kicks, etc.)
2) Practice DB Squat Cleans *Scale Up DB Squat Clean Thrusters (sets of 5-8)
Conditioning (20 min): “Air Raid”
12 min AMRAP
6 One-Handed Swings/Side *Level 1 8 Two-Handed Swings
9 Goblet Squats *Level 1 6 Goblets, 3 Air Squats
12 Reverse KB Lunges (6/side) *Level 1 Unweighted Lunges
At the end of each round, find an object and throw it 8 times (Wreckbag Slams, Side Wall Slams, Ball Slams)
Cooldown: Broken Tables, Deadbugs

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