Week of July 28-Aug 3

Monday, July 29, 2019
Warmup (10 min): 3×15 Air Squats, Fire Hydrants/Side, KB Swings
Skill (5 min): Aggressive Squatting
1) Unrack w/intention, 2) Controlled Descent, 3) Drive through the floor
Strength (20 min): 6-8 rounds
Squat 50-65% X 2-3 aggressive reps
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5
Single Arm Swings, 7/side OR Staggered Stance One Arm DB Row, 7/side
Conditioning (25 min): 
1) EMOM 7
:00s 8-15 KB Swings
:30s 6-12 Goblet Squats
2) WORK 5
Fitness: 10-15 second sprint bike/row, 5-8 Goblet Cleans, :20 plank
Performance: 10-15 second sprint bike/row, 8-12 Goblet Cleans, 7-10 Shoulder Taps/Side
Sport: 7 Empty Bar Thrusters, 10 Pullups, 12 Mountain Climbers/Side

Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Warmup (15 min): 
Rounds of
15 KB Swings, 15 Band Goodmorning, 15 Glute Bridges, 15 Broken Table/Side
Power & Accessory (15 min): Rounds of
10 Slingshot Glute Bridges
Double Rack KB Carry Down & Back Mat
55/45 lb plate push length turf
Conditioning (30 min):
1) 10 min work
30 second bike or row
10 Double DB Rows
30 Double Unders or 90 Single Unders
Rest 2 min
2) 10 min work
30 second bike or row
10 Pushups *Level 1 5-8 Pushups Practice Position & ROM
30 Double Unders or 90 Single Unders

Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Warmup (10 min): 6-8 Rounds
PVC Press 8 reps
PVC Barbell Row 8 reps
PVC Overhead Squat 5 reps
Chalk Talk (5 min): Spotting Bench
Strength (20 min): Press/Push/Bench
Work up in 6-8 sets to heavy set of 2-3, rest 1:30-2 btw sets
*Level 1 Warmup Set then 5×5
Conditioning (25 min): 12-15 min WORK
Row or Bike 1 min or Run 200m
30 Air Squats *Level 1 15 Air Squats, 10 Situps
Row or Bike 2 min or Run 400m
30 walking Lunges (15/side) *Sport 30 OH Plate Lunges (45/25 lb plate, 15/side)

Thursday, August 1, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic
Skill (20 min): 3 position Power Clean–High Hang, Hang, Below Knee
Demo then rounds of
2 High Hang, 1 Hang, 1 Below Knee…try to add each time w/1 min rest btw complexes
Conditioning (30 min):
1) Accumulate 12 min moderate pace cardio (bike, row, run)
Break up with Prowler Push (140/90) OR One-Arm Waiter’s Walk down & back mats
2) 4 rounds
15 ball slams (challenge weight, pace), 1:00 rest

Friday, August 2, 2019
Warmup (5 min): Pick 3 movements from Simple Seven and do 20-30 reps each
Strength/Skill (20 min): Rounds of
Deadlift 5-6 sets of 50-65% x 5 reps
*Level 1 Warmup set then 5×5
Box Jumps, 4-7 reps w/step down
Partner Work (35 min): 4 rounds
1) 24 box jumps or stepups (partners alternate)
2) 30 ring rows or pullups (partners do KB Swings while teammates pull)
3) 42 Wallballs or Goblet Squats (partners plank while teammates squat)
4) 2 min partner cardio

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