Week of March 17-23

Sunday, March 17, 2019
7 AM Mindful Lifting–we sort of have to listen to U2
8 AM Conditioning Class Snatch, Muscle Up Drills, CF Open 19.4

Monday, March 18, 2019
Warmup (5 min): 2×15 KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Ring Rows
Strength (30 min):
40-50% x 5, 55% x 5, then 60-65% for 20 reps in 20 minutes (10 sets of 2 or 20 sets of 1)
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets (watch clock):
1) One-arm KB Carry length of turf & back
2) Light cardio :30
Conditioning (25 min): Rounds of
Power Clean, 2 or 3 reps (155/135/115/95/75/55) *Level 1 DB Cleans
Ring Rows (as supine as possible), 7-12 reps *Scale Up 5-8 Pullups
Goblet Squat/Swing/Reverse Lunge Ladder, 3-1-3 (3 of each, 1 of each, 3 of each)
Single Leg Glute Bridge (holding KB on abs), 3-5 reps/side

Tuesday, March 19, 2019
Select 1 movement from each category each round, 4-5 rounds total
A: Swings, Goblet Squats, Burpees, 15 reps
B: Pushups, Ring Rows, DB Press, DB Push Press, 10 reps
C: Situps, Crunches, Broken Tables, 10 reps
D: Row, Run, Bike 2 min

Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Warmup (15 min): With a partner or two…3 rounds of
Band pullaparts while partner does 20 Glute Bridges
Stepups while partner does 12 Broken Table/Side
Row or Bike while partner does 15 KB Swings
Strength (25 min): 5-8 rounds of
Bench/Push/Press Warmup then 60-70% x 3 reps *Level 1 5×5
10-15 Ball Slams
10 Goblet Squats w/1 second pause at bottom *Level 1 5-7 Goblets no pause
Conditioning (20 min): With partner or two, 3-4 rounds of
Med ball or wreckbag lunges (overhead or front rack) while partner does 12-15 situps
Row 200m while partner holds KB at top of Goblet Squat position
Partner Plank :30-:60
Cooldown: Couch/Samson Stretch in Circle

Thursday, March 21, 2019
Challenge Workout: 21-15-9-21
KB Swings, Pushups or Ring Rows, Squat Jumps (full depth, feet leave the ground every rep)

Friday, March 22, 2019
Woodshed/CF Open 19.5 Programmed Thursday Evening after workout announced

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