Sunday, March 3, 2019
7 AM Mindful Lifting
8 AM Conditioning Class, CrossFit Open 19.2
*Note if you would like to get some conditioning in but NOT do 19.2, you may come in and pick a workout from the binder
Monday, March 4, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Conga Line
Prowler, Box Jumps/Stepups x 10, Ball Slams x 10, Situps x 10, Ring Rows or Pullups x 5-10
Skill Work (10 min): Power Snatch from Hang w/PVC Pipe
Power (20 min): Rounds of
Hang Power Clean/Snatch, 2-3 reps ascending sets *Level 1 5×5 Squat
12-20 hard KB Swings (troubleshoot punch)
Prowler Sprint
Conditioning/Legs (20 min): 3 rounds of
5-8 reps Back Squat (40%), Front Squat (75% Grace Weight), or 12 Goblet Squats
8-12 pushups *Scale up 12 Burpees over Yoga Block
10 Ball Slams *Scale up Box Jumps
Tuesday, March 5, 2019 Open Gym Programming
Unit 1: 3 rounds of
10 modified sumo/conventional deadlifts @40-55%
15 glute bridges
20 second plank (hand-to-hand)
Unit 2: 3 rounds of
Bench doubles (135/95/65/45)
Curls, set of 8-12
Ring Rows, sets of 8-12
Unit 3. Oh No It’s Manmakers
3 rounds :60/:75/:90
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Warmup (5 min): Coach’s Choice, Athletic Focus
Skill (15 min): Deadlift Slack out of Bar (vid here)
2 sets of 3-5 slack pulls (no deadlift, just pull slack to hear weight clink) with metal-loaded 135
Speed Strength (20 min): Rounds of
Deadlift 2-3 reps @50% *Level 1 5×5
Station 1: 8-12 DB Rows (Chest up)
Station 2: 8-12 DB Floor Press
Station 3: Bracing w/Coach (Chain, Standing Belt)
Partner Work (20 min): Pick a partner or two and for 12-15 minutes alternate
Round of easy work (Choices: 250m row, 45-75 seconds jumprope, 20-30 glute bridges) with
Round of hard work (Choices: 15-20 db thrusters, 10-15 burpees, 7-12 heavy ball slams)
*For hard work Level 1 sub 8-12 goblet squats for db thrusters and 8-12 full ROM pushups for burpees)
Thursday, March 7, 2019 Open Gym Programming
Speed/Technique: Squats
40, 50, 60, 65, 65% x 3, 50 % x 8-12
Between Sets: Pick 2 exercises from below each time
Wallballs (20/14), 5-8 reps
Fire Hydrants, 5-8/side
KB Swings, 10-15 reps
Situps, 7-12 reps
Friday, March 8, 2019
Strength: Press/Bench Work *Level 1 5×5
Conditioning: Woodshed/CrossFit Open 19.3
*Note: work will be posted to FB Group and emailed Thursday @8:30-8:45 PM when Open work is announced