Week of March 6-12

Week’s New Movements: Stir the Pot (core/stability–video here), One-hand band rotation (video here)
Week’s Returning Movements: Deadbugs (core/anti-extension–video here), Burpees (conditioning–video here)
Strength Focus: Single reps at 95% TM; if weight feels easyish try single at 100-105%

Sunday, March 6–8 AM Conditioning Class
Open Workout 16.2

Monday, March 7
Warmup/Mobility & Skill (20 min): Alternate…
1) 2 sets of 2-3 reps hang clean
2) One round of squat therapy, sets of 10
Strength (25 min): Squat
50, 65, 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95 % x 1
If you have energy and time, set of 1 at 100-105% TM
Between Sets: 50 rep hinging movements (goodmornings, light rdls, swings), light cardio
Conditioning (15 min): Tabata
8 rounds alternating pushups/situps
*Score is total reps-goal is bodyweight conditioning speed

Wednesday, March 9
Warmup/Mobility (20 min): Light-weight
DB lateral raises, relaxed traps, 10 reps
DB bent raises, relaxes traps, 6 reps
Band pullaparts, 20 reps
One-hand band rotation, 10 reps/side
Strength (25 minutes): Bench or Press
50, 65, 75% x 5, 85% x 3, 95 % x 1
If you have energy and time, set of 1 at 100-105% TM
Between Sets: 50 rep pulling movements, stability work abs (planks, deadbugs)
Conditioning (15 minutes): 5 rounds of
150m row (tall chest, big pulls, strokes/min under 30)
15 ring rows
25 kb swings
*Goal is work accumulation, power on rower/kb swing

Friday, March 11, 2016
Stability (20 min): Rounds of
Deadbugs, 10/side
Stir The Pot, 10 circles (use big med balls)
Glute Bridges, 20 reps
One-Arm Farmer’s Carry, length mat down & back
Strength (25 min): Deadlift
If you have energy and time, set of 1 at 100-105% TM
Between Sets: 50 rep squatting movements, stability work abs (planks, deadbugs)
Conditioning (15 min): EMOM 7 min
:00s 3-6 burpees/humane burpees, 3-6 air squats
:30s 8-12 swings, 5-8 tuck jumps
*Goal on :00s is steady movement for 30 sec, goal on :30s is power output–hard work that gives you 10 seconds rest

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