Week of May 27-June 1

Monday, May 27, 2019
10 AM Workout in honor of Lt. Michael Murphy
*No other classes today

Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Warmup (15 min): Demo Thumbs Up Band Face Pull (vid here) then
4 rounds: 10-15 Face Pulls, 6 One-Hand KB Swings/side, :30 legs free row or airdyne
Skill/Strength (25 min): 5-6 rounds of
Bench/Push/Press 5 reps @50-65% *Level 1 5×5
7-10 Med Ball Lateral Throws/side (vid here)–use weight that allows you to throw hard
7-12 Shoulder Taps/Side
20-30 Light Band Pullaparts
:45 light cardio
Conditioning (20 min):
Fitness: 4 Rounds Row 250m, 7 Ball Slams, 12 KB Swings
Performance: 6-8 Rounds of 1 Prowler Sprint, 10 Situps, 15 Glute Bridges
Sport: 3 rounds 800 m run, 30 Ab-Mat Situps (Feet Butterflied Touch Toes)

Friday, May 31, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Coach’s Choice
Repetition Strength (25 min): 5-6 Rounds of
Deadlift 6-8 reps @35-45% *Level 1 5×5
15-20 Band Pullthroughs (vid here)
*Note–THIS is the snap of a Russian KB Swing
8-15 Double DB or KB Rows
:45 row or airdyne
Conditioning (25 min): 5-7 Rounds of
Power Clean, 2 or 3 reps (155/135/115/95/75/55) *Level 1 5 DB Cleans
Ring Rows (as supine as possible), 7-12 reps *Sport Scale Up 5-8 Chin Over Bar Pullups
Goblet Squat/Swing/Reverse Lunge Ladder, 3-1-3 (3 of each, 1 of each, 3 of each) *Level 1 5 Goblets, 8 Swings
Single Leg Glute Bridge (holding KB on abs), 3-5 reps/side

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