Week of Nov 24-30

Monday, Nov 25, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic
Strength (25 min): 6 rounds @3-4 min/round
a) Squat 40, 50, 60% x 5, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85 % x 1-3
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at work weight
b) Double KB Swings, 5-10 reps *Level 1 8-12 KB Swings
c) :45-:75 light cardio (if time–watch clock)
Conditioning (20 min): 
5 min movement demo & setup then
Accumulate work @7-8 RPE
Double DB Rows, 7-12 reps (30-45/15-25)
Prowler Sprint (110/70)
Pullups, 5-8 reps (Kipping, Strict, Banded)
Pushups, 7-12 reps *Scale Up Burpees
Mobility (5 min):
Samson Stretch, 3 rds 30 sec/side

Tuesday, Nov 26, 2019
Warmup (10 min): 3 rounds
15 glute bridges, 15 KB swings, :45-:75 bike or row
Strength/Hypertrophy (20 min): 4 rounds
a) Barbell Hip Thrust, 7-12 reps @20-35% squat *Sub Wreckbag Glute Bridges
b) 25 band pullthroughs
c) 3-6 tempo goblet squats (3 second count down, 1 second pause at bottom, 1 second up)
Conditioning (30 min): 20 min AMRAP @RPE 8
Fitness: 60 seconds bike/row, 20 KB swings, 30 seconds bike/row, :30 plank
Performance: 60 seconds bike/row, 20 KB swings, 30 seconds mountain climbers, :45-:60 plank
Sport: 60 seconds jumprope, 15 overhead KB swings, 30 seconds burpees, 12 Abmat Situps

Wednesday, Nov 27, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Coach’s Choice
Strength/Speed (20 min): 5-6 rounds @2-2:30/round
a) Press/Push/Bench, 40-60% x 2-4 reps *Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
b) Band Pullaparts or Face Pulls, 15-25 reps
Conditioning (25 min): Benchmark–“James Paul”, 3 rounds w/15 min cap
Fitness: 10-15 Humane Burpees, 15 DB Cleans/side, 100 single unders or :90 bike
Performance: 15 burpees, 15 Db snatch/side, 100 single unders or :90 row
Sport: 15 burpees, 15 DB snatch/side (35/20), 100 single unders
Mobility (5 min): 2 rounds
7-10 PVC or Band Overhead Squat
10-15 Broken Table/Side

Thursday, Nov 28, 2019
Thanksgiving Open Gym 7-9 AM

Friday, Nov 29, 2019
Warmup (10 min): 
3 rounds
KB Suitcase Carry, down & back mat or turf (switch halfway)
:30-:60 plank
7-12 McGill Crunches
Strength/Strength Endurance (35 min): 6 rounds @5 min/rd
a) Deadlift, 30-50% x 6-8 reps *Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
b) Half-Kneeling Press or One-Arm DB Floor Press, 6-9/side
c) Single Leg Glute Bridge, 7-12/side
d) Fill with light cardio
Conditioning (15 min): 2-3 rounds @7-9 RPE
20 KB Swings *Scale up 12 DB Thrusters (35-40/20-25)
15 Ring Rows *Scale up 7-10 Pullups
1 min bike/row *Scale up 30-40 Double Unders

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