Week of November 11-16

Monday, November 11, 2019
Warmup (10 min):
Work for 6 min @ warmup pace
Jumprope or Jacks :60
Band Pullthroughs, 15 reps
10 Goblet Squats
15 KB Swings
Strength (15 min): Squat
50, 65% x 5, 75 % x 3, 80% x 2, 85% x 1-3, 75% x 4-6
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weights
Conditioning (25 min): Station Work–4 rounds @RPE 9, push pace
:30-:40 Ball Slams, :20-:30 transition
:30-:40 airdyne, :20-30 transition
:30-:40 kb swings, :20-:30 transition
:30-:40 row, :20-:30 transition
Mobility (10 min): 3 rounds
Split Squat 5-8/side
Banded Goodmornings, 10-15 reps

Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Warmup (10 min): 4×10
Glute Bridges, Single Arm KB Swings/Side (light), Band Pullaparts
Skill & Practice (15 min):
1) Demo & Practice Single Arm DB Split Jerk 5 min
2) EMOM 8
:00s 3 DB Split Jerks/Side, 3 Goblet Squats w/DB
:30s 7-10 Fire Hydrants/Side
Conditioning (25 min): 20 min work @7 RPE
7-12 Barbell Romanian Deadlifts (20-35% max deadlift)
7-12 Banded Pushdowns
150m row
:60 box jumps or stepups
5-8 One-Arm DB Floor Press/side
Finisher (10 min): Team Tire Flips

Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Chalk Talk (10 min):
Warmup & Work
Warmup & Work (30 min): 6 rounds @6 RPE
20 Band Pullaparts
Floor Blackburn I, Y, T 5 reps each (5s/2.5s)
Press/Push/Bench 30-40% x 8 reps *Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
Hollow Rock Hold, :30-:60 *Sub Plank
Arms Time (10 min): 
Accumulate 30-50 empty bar curls
Accumulate 30-50 light band pushdowns
Conditioning (10 min): 18-15-12 @8 RPE
Fitness: KB Swing, Situps
Performance: KB Swing, Medball Situps
Sport: Overhead KB Swing, Overhead Medball Situps

Thursday, November 14, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Burgener Warmup
Demo then 2-3 rounds of 7-10 reps each
Power (20 min): High Hang Snatch, work @8 RPE
5 min demo & practice then
12 minutes to accumulate 20-25 reps, ascending as able from light weight
*Scale up Squat Snatch
Conditioning (30 min): 2-4 rounds @6 RPE
7-10 Goblet Squats or Back Squats @25-30% max
Run 400m, Row 500m or Bike 2:30
7-10 Pushups or Barbell Row @25-30% deadlift
Run 200m, Row 250m, or Bike 1:15

Friday, November 15, 2019
Warmup (10 min):
Heavy Strength (20 min): Deadlift
50, 65% x 5, 75 % x 3, 85% x 2, 90% x 1, 95% x 1
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
Conditioning (20 min): 3 rounds @9-10 RPE
Fitness: 10 DB Squat Clean, 15 KB Swings *add 4th round if time
Performance: 7 Power Clean @25-40% Deadlift, 18 Ball Slams
Sport: 7 Squat Clean (135-155/95-115), 12 DB Thrusters (25-35/15-25)
Mobility (10 min): 3 rounds of
:45 cat/camel low back
:45 butterfly stretch

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