Week of November 25-Dec 1

Sunday, November 25, 2018
7 AM Mindful Lifting
8 AM Mind Eraser Conditioning

Monday, November 26, 2018
Warmup/Skill (10 min): Light/Empty Bar Squat Cleans
Strength/Deload Week (25 min):
 Squat Cleans
7-10 sets of 2, working up in weight: PRACTICE FOCUS
Level 1 5×5 Squat
Between Sets:
1) Standing Filly Press (vid here): 3-5 reps/arm LIGHT
2) Sled Drag @90/45 or Prowler Push at 100/50–walk, keep it light
3) Additional cardio :30-:45 row or bike
Conditioning (25 min): “Grace”
30 clean and jerk for time (135/95)
*Level 1 moderate weights, go from hang if need be
*10 min time cap
Optional Cooldown: 
Deadbugs, 30-40 side (use abmat)

Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic
Strength (25 min): Bench/Press/Push Press
50, 65% x 5, 80% x 3, 90% x 2, 100% x1 , up for max
Level 1 5×5
Between Sets: (In order of preference)
1) Tall Step-Ups, 7-10 reps side (do not sub box jumps–this is glute work)
2) 7-12 double KB swings (outside legs)
3) 20-30 underhand band pullaparts
Conditioning (15 min): 3-4 rounds of
:15 assault bike (:5 warmup, :10 max watts)
One Length Light Prowler Jog (140/90)
8-12 barbell rows from hang pos (115-155/55-95)
20-35 air squats
Cooldown (10 min): 3-4 rounds of
:20-:30 sphinx pose
:20-:30 broken tables

Friday, November 30, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Farmer’s Carry length turf or 12 mats
*Use trap bars 105/75, KBs, DBs
Sets of 7-12 air squats btw carries
Strength Deload (25 min): Deadlift
Band-Resisted Deadlifts, sets of 3-4 @50-60% Training Max (not including band)
Refresher vid here–use for conventional or sumo
Level 1 5×5
Between Sets:
1) Slingshot Glute Bridge March, 5-8 side (vid here)
2) DB Romanian Deadlifts, 7-12
3) Jumprope or Jacks, :20-:30
Conditioning (25 min): 4 rounds of
Minute 1: 20 to 40 seconds air squats
Minute 2: 10 Light KB Swings OR 10 Reverse KB Lunges (5/side)
Minute 3: 20 to 40 seconds RKC Plank (alternate :05 tense muscles, :05 standard plank)
Minute 4: 10 Light KB Swings or 10-16 One-Arm KB Cleans (5-8/side)

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