Monday, September 16, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Simple Seven x 2
Strength (25 min): Squat, 40-45 reps in 20 min @50-55% training max *Level 1 5×5
Use any downtime between sets or after reps completed to roll out or do light cardio
Conditioning (25 min):
Skill work on Power Clear w.PVC Pipes/Light BB then
“Power Betty” (March 2009, Dec 2016)–do with a partner if you like!!!
21-15-9 for time
Power Clean (135/95) *Scale up 165/115
Fitness: 3 rounds of 20 KB Swings, 7 pushups, 7 ring rows
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Warmup (15 min): Moderate to Brisk Pace, 3 rounds
Row 500m or Bike 2:30, 21 KB Swings, 12 Ring Rows
Strength/Accessory (25 min): 4-5 rounds of
12 Barbell/DB Rows
12 KB Goodmornings
12 Air Squats
Offset carry kbs two lengths of turf
Bear Hug Slamball Carry two lengths of mat
Roadwork/Circuit: 15-20 min of
2-3 min bike/row/jumprope
3×10 fire hydrants/leg, single-leg glute bridges/side, broken table/side
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Blackburns and No-Moneys/Coach’s choice shoulder
Strength (30 min): Bench,Press or Push Press, work to heavy set of 5 (6-8 total sets) *Level 1 5×5
Task work (between sets): Accumulate
60-125 pullaparts
1-3 minutes of bat wings (on bench–use partner to count time)
50-100 kb swings
1-3 minutes rolling out upper back and lats (use partner to count time)
Conditioning (20 min):
15-12-6 of
Back Squats (135/95/65) *Fitness 15 Goblet Squats each time
Situps *Fitness :15 plank each time
Burpees *Fitness and Performance 5-8 pushups or ring rows each time
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Squat Therapy 3×5
Partner Work (25 min):
With a partner, accumulate as much as you can of the following in 20 min
100 medball situps
500 Single Unders
100 Sandbag or Medball Squat Clean
50 Weighted Walking Lunges (15-45 plate overhead or out in front)
1000m row
50 Stepups
50 KB Swings
Interval Work (25 min): 4-5 rounds
Row 500m or Bike 2 min, 8 or 9 of 10 exertion
One-Arm Light Farmer’s Carry 200m
Prowler Push (180/120)
Rest until HR normalizes (You can speak in a sentence or two at a time)
Friday, September 20, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic
Strength (30 min): Deadlift
40% (or closest to 135/95/65) x 5
50, 65, 75% x 5, 85% x 1+
*Level 1 5×5
Conditioning (20 min):
1) “The Descent”
With partner, alternate DB Thrusters (35/20) & Burpees, from 7-1 (Level 1 sub Goblet Squats and Pushups)
2) With a partner, complete
a) Prowler Push down & back while Partner does Box Jumps or Stepups
b) 25 Wallballs while partner holds plank
c) Row 150m while partner does air squats