Sunday, September 4, 2016
7 AM Mindful Lifting, My Bloody Valentine, Loveless
8 AM Conditioning–The Woodshed 300
Monday, September 5, 2016
Closed for Labor Day but here is a home workout:
10 pushups, 10 squats x 2, Rest 1 min
9 pushups, 9 squats x 2, Rest 1 min
8 pushups, 8 squats x 2, Rest 1 min
9 pushups, 9 squats x 2, Rest 1 min
10 pushups, 10 squats x 2
Wednesday, September 7, 2016
Warmup (10 min): Line/Dynamic
Challenge (10-15 min): Row 100m, 2-4 times…put best time up on board
Work (35-40 min): Rounds of
Bench or Press/Push, 5 reps @50-60%
3-2-1 ladder KB swings, pushups, Goblets, situps
2 sets of 10 ring rows, 20 band pullaparts
:30 row or bike, :30 plank
10 box jumps or stepups
Friday, September 9, 2016
Warmup (10 min): 3×15 broken table/side, glute bridges, ring rows
Challenge (10 min): 4 rounds of tabata squats, post total reps to board
Work (35-40 min): Rounds of
Deadlift 5 reps @50-60%
Med ball ground to shoulder 10 reps
Russian twists w/plate or kb, 10 reps
20 kb swings
10 DB press or floor press
:30 pushup position plank