You Want To Be In The Show, Come on Baby Let’s Go

Monday, Dec 2
Warmup then 3 x 10 split squats OR hip rotations, med ball tosses
Strength: Squat, 50, 60% x 5-8, 70%, 80% x 3, 90% x 3+
Then Training Max or 70% for reps
Between Sets: Accumulate 1-5 min of:
1) Squat stretch, bottom pos (use pole if necessary)
2) Jumprope
3) Rower
Conditioning:  Complete 2 rounds of…
2 min kb swings, burpees (alternate once), 1 min rest, 1 min situps, pushups (alternate once), 1 min rest

Tuesday, Dec 3–Olympic progression
Snatch 5×2-3 @ 75-80%
Clean & Jerk 5×2 @75-80%
Heavy Ab Work 30 reps (weighted situps, leg raises w/kb between ankles)

Wednesday, Dec 4
Warmup then Accumulate 60 band pullaparts & 60 face pulls
Strength: Bench Press, 50, 60% x 5-8, 70%, 80% x 3, 90% x 3+
Then Training Max or 70% for reps
Between Sets: Barbell Rows, sets of 8-12
Conditioning: 3-5 sets of
DB Romanian Deadlifts, 8-12 reps
:30 max squats
Rest until wind is back

Thursday, Dec 5–Olympic progression
Power Snatch 5×2 @80%
Power Clean 5×2 @80%
Rack Jerk 3×2 ascending to 80-85% of max c&j

Friday, Dec 6
Warmup then 3×10 squats, pushups, situps, ring rows, kb swings, broken table/leg
Strength: Deadlift, 50, 60% x 5-8, 70%, 80% x 3, 90% x 3+
Then Training Max or 70% for reps
Between Sets: Stretch Piriformis, Roll Out Glutes, 10 KB Swings
Conditioning: Rounds of 21-15-9
KB Swings/DB Squat Clean and Press

Saturday, Dec 7–Olympic progression
Snatch, 6×1 ascending to 85%ish slowly (like 65, 70%…)
Clean and Jerk, 5×1 same protocol
Squat 3×3 50, 60, 70%

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